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Showing posts from July, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Ketu in the First House

Ketu! A name that instills a sense of fear in many. In the solar system, Rahu and Ketu have no physical existence. In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are considered shadow planets.                        According to mythology, when Lord Vishnu was distributing the nectar of immortality among the gods, a demon named Swarbhanu disguised himself as a deity and stood between the Sun and the Moon to partake in the nectar. When the Sun and the Moon informed Lord Vishnu about this, Vishnu used his Sudarshan Chakra to sever Swarbhanu's head. However, since Swarbhanu had already consumed the nectar, he became immortal in two separate parts: the head part is known as Rahu and the body part is known as Ketu.                            The Sun and Moon deities informed Lord Vishnu about Swarbhanu's deception and consumption of the nectar. As a result of his body being severed into two parts, Swarbhanu vowed to seize any opportunity to eclipse the Sun and Moon, which is still on

Child Issues and Remedies for Cancer Ascendant and Sign

In any horoscope, the assessment of matters related to children is done from the fifth house of the horoscope. The planets located in the fifth house, the fifth house itself, the lord of the fifth house, and the significator planet for children, Jupiter, determine the native's prospects regarding children.            If the fifth house, the lord of the fifth house, and Jupiter have favorable influences, the native’s prospects regarding children are auspicious. Conversely, if they have unfavorable influences, the prospects related to children are not favorable.                         In addition to the aforementioned factors, it's crucial to consider the analysis of the Kalapurusha's horoscope. It is well-known that for any horoscope analysis, evaluating the Natural zodiac sign's horoscope is essential. Without analyzing the Natural zodiac sign's horoscope, any horoscope analysis remains incomplete.                            When analyzing the fifth hou

A Comprehensive Guide to Ketu in the Seventh House

Ketu! A name that evokes fear in everyone to some extent. Rahu and Ketu have no physical existence in the solar system. In Vedic astrology, Rahu and Ketu are regarded as shadow planets.                   According to mythology, when Lord Vishnu was distributing the elixir of immortality  among the gods, a demon named Swarbhanu disguised himself as a deity and stood between the Sun and the Moon to consume the elixir. When the Sun and the Moon informed Lord Vishnu about this, he used his Sudarshan Chakra to decapitate the demon. However, since Swarbhanu had already consumed the elixir, he became immortal in two parts. The head part is known as Rahu, and the body part from the neck down is known as Ketu.                   When the Sun and Moon informed Lord Vishnu about Swarbhanu's deceit in consuming the elixir, and as a result, when Swarbhanu's body was split in two, Swarbhanu vowed to eclipse the Sun and the Moon whenever he got the chance. This is the origin of sol

A Comprehensive Guide to the Position of Mars in the Seventh House

The seventh house in any horoscope represents the native’s spouse, partner, and business dealings. Since the seventh house is opposite our ascendant or rising sign, it also represents every person we interact with in our daily transactions.                       The fate of a person's married life depends on the sign in the seventh house, the ruling planet of that sign, and the strength of the marriage-signifying planets Venus and Jupiter. If the seventh house, its ruling planet, and the marriage-signifying planet (Venus for men and Jupiter for women) are influenced by benefic planets, the person's married life is likely to be beautiful and smooth. Conversely, if the seventh house, its ruling planet, and the marriage-signifying planets Venus and Jupiter are influenced by malefic planets, various problems may be observed in married life.                         However, just as there are problems in this world, there are solutions for every problem as well. If the placement of m

Aquarius ascendant and sign: Wealth and family

From the second house of any ascendant or sign, we judge the wealth, family, relatives, food, and our speech or words associated with that ascendant or sign.        We know that without considering the Natural zodiac sign's chart, the analysis of any chart can never be complete. The second house of Aquarius ascendant or sign is the sign of the twelfth house, or the house of expenditure, in the Natural zodiac sign's chart. From this sign, we judge the various expenses of Natural zodiac sign's life. The placement of the house of expenditure of the Natural zodiac sign in the second house of Aquarius ascendant or sign naturally indicates the expenditure or costs related to the matters of the second house. This means it signifies expenses related to wealth, family, relatives, food, or speech.                             If the expenditure is necessary, it is not harmful to us, or we do not consider that expenditure harmful. However, if the expenditure is unnecessary

Wealth and Family of Scorpio Ascendant and Zodiac Sign

From the second house of any ascendant or zodiac sign, wealth, family, relatives, our food habits, and our speech are judged. For a Scorpio ascendant and zodiac sign, the second house falls under Sagittarius. This sign is used to  righteousness, fortune, father, and higher education in the cosmic man's chart.                           Since the house of fortune in the  cosmic man's   chart is a significant house, its presence in the second house of a Scorpio ascendant or zodiac sign makes it very important in the lives of those with this ascendant or zodiac sign. The aspects of their second house indicate the formation of their fortune.                        Engaging in professions related to the second house, such as careers connected to wealth (e.g., banking sector jobs, establishing a CSC center, family business or working with family, jobs involving relatives, food-related jobs, or consultancy where speech or words are used) can lead to wealth accumulation and familial pro

In Capricorn Ascendant and Sign's the house of gains.

The eleventh house of each ascendant or sign is called the house of gains. The gains that come from various sources in our lives are assessed from the eleventh house. It is also known as the house of wish fulfillment. In addition, the eleventh house is used to assess our social image or relationships with society, friends, and many other aspects.            The sign of the eleventh house for Capricorn Ascendant or Sign is Scorpio. We know that the analysis of any horoscope is never complete without considering the Natural zodiac sign's chart. According to that, Scorpio is the sign of the eighth house in the Natural zodiac sign's chart. From this sign, Natural zodiac sign's negative aspects such as sorrow, suffering, pain, sudden problems, death, or death-like anguish are assessed. On the positive side, aspects such as occult knowledge, hidden treasures, and hidden mysteries are analyzed.                         In the eleventh or wish-fulfillment house of Capric

The Timing of Financial Gain.

At times, each of us may experience unexpected financial gains. Conversely, there are also periods when expenses exceed our expectations.   Today's topic is The Timing of Financial Gain--                                  The financial triangle, which involves the 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses, and the 11th house of gains, represents favorable periods for financial gains. During these periods or sub-periods, new sources of income are created, and wealth or financial gains are realized from these sources.             Apart from these calculations, there are times when we receive wealth from sources that are not readily apparent. These sources can vary depending on the individual’s specific astrological chart.           Naturally, one might wonder when the time comes for Goddess Lakshmi to be gracious to us. The answer lies in the combination of our ascendant  chart and the Navamsa chart.                           In Vedic astrology, the wealth and gain houses of the Ascendent

The right path to career success for Gemini

Gemini, whether as a zodiac sign or ascendant, is ruled by Mercury, the planet that grants us intelligence. This sign or ascendant has a keen interest in intellectual pursuits. Individuals with this sign or ascendant often show a strong inclination towards innovative fields such as mobile technology, laptops, computers, and the internet.                               In the third house of Gemini ascendant or zodiac sign, the fifth house of the Natural zodiac sign is located. This house is associated with knowledge, education, children, entertainment, and love. Therefore, individuals with Gemini ascendant or zodiac sign achieve success in life when they combine the characteristics of the fifth house of the Natural zodiac sign with the traits of Gemini in their work.                     Establishing a computer training center, selling and servicing mobiles, laptops, and computers, working in computer-internet-related fields, providing internet services, writing internet conte

How to Find Joy in Leo as Your Zodiac sign or ascendant

In a Leo ascendant or zodiac sign, the fourth house is Scorpio, which is the sign of the eighth house in the natural zodiac sign. The eighth house in Natural zodiac sign's chart is associated with sorrow, suffering, pain, as well as hidden treasures, occult knowledge, and so on. Any horoscope analysis is incomplete without considering Natural zodiac sign's chart. The influence of Natural zodiac sign's chart is present in any horoscope.                        In a Leo ascendant or zodiac sign, the influence of Natural zodiac sign's on the fourth house causes various problems in obtaining favorable results from the fourth house. This means that issues related to property, home, vehicles, general comforts, mother's happiness, or a good relationship with the mother, and her health, often face challenges. People may experience mental distress or sudden problems related to these matters. However, if individuals are sensitive about their fourth house, the negat

Simple Ways to Increase Effort for Libra Ascendant and Zodiac

For Libra ascendant or zodiac, the sign in the third house is Sagittarius. From this sign, the courage, valor, younger siblings, neighbors, short journeys, writing activities, various documents, and social media activities of the native are analyzed.                           We know that in horoscope analysis, the significance of the Natural zodiac sign is immense. Without the Natural zodiac sign, the study of any horoscope can never be complete.               For Libra ascendant or zodiac, the sign in the third house, Sagittarius, is the ninth house sign in the Natural zodiac sign. From this sign, the Natural zodiac sign's aspects of religion, fortune, father, and higher education are analyzed.                             For Libra ascendant or zodiac, the position of Sagittarius, the ninth house sign of the Natural zodiac sign, in the third house indicates how the third house matters influence the native’s fortune. This means that success and the fulfillment of effor

The Period time of Jupitor in Leo Sign & Ascendent

In the Leo Ascendant or Zodiac Sign, Jupiter  is the lord of the fifth and twelfth houses. This means Jupiter governs both a beneficial (fifth house) and a challenging (twelfth house) house.                     How can we understand which results Jupiter provides in a specific Ascendant or Zodiac Sign, and how does it provide those results?                The answer is that Jupiter provides results related to both of the houses it rules in the given Ascendant or Zodiac Sign.   Effects of Jupiter in Sagittarius --                When Jupiter's major period or sub-period coincides with a favorable house's  major period  or  sub-period , Jupiter will produce results related to Sagittarius (its own sign) or the fifth house. Similarly, even if a favorable house's  major period  or  sub-period  occurs during Jupiter's  major period  or  sub-period , Jupiter will still provide results related to Sagittarius. For example, if Jupiter's  major period  

Business for Aquarius Sign and Ascendant

For individuals with Aquarius Ascendant or sign, Leo occupies the 7th house. In the Natural zodiac sign's chart, Leo represents the 5th house, which governs knowledge, education, children, entertainment, and love relationships. Since the 5th house from the Natural zodiac sign's chart (Leo) influences the business sector for Aquarius Ascendant, it encourages individuals with this placement to engage in or be inspired by business related to these areas. Thus, people with Aquarius Ascendant might find success and motivation in business ventures connected to knowledge, education, creativity, or entertainment.                            Individuals with Aquarius Ascendant can achieve significant success in their business endeavors if they effectively align with the qualities associated with Leo. By harmonizing with the attributes of Leo, such as creativity, leadership, and charisma, Aquarius Ascendants can enhance their business prospects and achieve considerable progres

Solution to the Sufferings of Aquarius Ascendant and Sign

In astrology, the eighth house is generally considered negative for any ascendant or sign. For an Aquarius ascendant or sign's the eighth house is Virgo. Virgo is the sign of the sixth house in the Natural zodiac sign,representing disease, debt, and enemies.              We know that in any horoscope analysis, it is essential to consider the Natural zodiac sign. No horoscope analysis is ever complete without considering the Natural zodiac sign. The sixth house of the Natural zodiac sign becomes challenging for the native of any horoscope where it is placed. For Aquarius ascendants or signs, the sixth house of the Natural zodiac sign is situated in their eighth house, making their eighth house more challenging compared to others. However, if natives of this ascendant or sign maintain specific discipline and carefully scrutinize their actions related to the matters of the eighth house, it does not become troublesome for them.                         The eighth house is th

When the Time for Changing Your Destiny Comes in Life: A Guide

Our lives progress through a series of major and minor periods (dashas and antardashas). Some periods bring us favorable results, while others bring unfavorable outcomes. This way, the train of our lives moves through periods of both good and bad results. In some periods, we experience happiness, while in others, we face sorrow. In some periods, we gain wealth, and in others, we encounter significant losses.                           The 6/8 dasha-antardasha combination is not considered favorable. In astrological terms, if the planet whose dasha is running is six houses away from the planet whose antardasha is running, it is termed as "6." Similarly, if the antardasha planet is eight houses away from the dasha planet, it is termed as "8." When these two planets' dashas and antardashas occur simultaneously in our lives, it is referred to as the 6/8 relationship dasha.                         During this dasha-antardasha, various problems, sorrows, ha

Profitable business for Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign

Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign is associated with the ninth house of the natural zodiac Sign's. From Sagittarius, matters related to religion, fortune, higher education, and father are judged. As Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign is the sign of the ninth house in Natural Zodiac sign's , individuals with this ascendant or moon sign possess the characteristics of the ninth house, provided that the ascendant or sign, its ruling planet, and the significator Sun are not particularly afflicted.                 In astrology, the seventh house is used to judge business. For Sagittarius ascendant or moon sign, the seventh house has Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect. From Gemini, matters related to courage, short journeys, writing, and younger siblings are judged in Natural Zodiac sign.          The characteristics of any house are maintained or enhanced based on the balance with the opposite house. The better the balance is maintained, the more

A Comprehensive Guide to Saturn in the first House

When Saturn, the deity of justice and karma, is positioned in the ascendant or zodiac sign, it makes the native just and devoted to their work. Such individuals tend to be reticent, believing in action over words. They neither commit injustice nor tolerate injustice done to others.                 Individuals with Saturn's characteristics are altruistic. They find great satisfaction in helping and supporting the poor and the working class.                     When Saturn is positioned in the ascendant or zodiac sign, the native often has to work very hard in life. However, this hard work leads to significant success. Because Saturn is a slow-moving planet, achievements and gains tend to come with delays. Naturally, the fruits of their labor are delayed, but once they arrive, they are less likely to be wasted. This is because anything earned through hard work is valued more, making individuals think multiple times before spending it.                            Therefore,

Guide to Managing Married Life for Sagittarius Ascendant and Sign

The main trine sign of Jupiter  is Sagittarius. In any horoscope analysis, the significance of the Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope is immense. A horoscope analysis is never complete without considering the Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope. Sagittarius is the sign of the ninth house in Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope, which represents aspects such as righteousness, knowledge, and higher education.                 When Sagittarius, the sign of the ninth house in Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope, is placed in the ascendant or sign, the native exhibits the characteristics associated with the ninth house. This means that the native tends to be religious, knowledgeable, and interested in or highly educated in higher studies. However, if the ascendant or sign, or its ruling planet Jupiter, is afflicted by malefic planets or associated with malefic houses, these qualities may be less prominent. Nonetheless, the traits related to the ninth house or Jupiter will still b

Problems and Solutions in the Married Life of Virgo Ascendant and Sign

The seventh house of Virgo ascendant or sign is Pisces. The ruling planet of Pisces is Jupiter, who is considered the significator of religion , knowledge, education, children, family, and liberation.                In any horoscope analysis, the significance of the Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope is immense. The analysis of any horoscope is never complete without considering the Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope. Pisces is the sign of the twelfth house in Natural Zodiac Sign's horoscope, from which various expenditures in different aspects of Natural Zodiac Sign's life are analyzed.                       The placement of such a sign (Pisces) in the seventh house of Virgo ascendant or sign naturally indicates the expenses or costs related to the seventh house or married life of the native. This means that due to married life or for managing married life, the native of this ascendant or sign has to work harder. Married life becomes more expensive compared to ot