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A Comprehensive Guide to Saturn in the first House

When Saturn, the deity of justice and karma, is positioned in the ascendant or zodiac sign, it makes the native just and devoted to their work. Such individuals tend to be reticent, believing in action over words. They neither commit injustice nor tolerate injustice done to others.
                Individuals with Saturn's characteristics are altruistic. They find great satisfaction in helping and supporting the poor and the working class.
                    When Saturn is positioned in the ascendant or zodiac sign, the native often has to work very hard in life. However, this hard work leads to significant success. Because Saturn is a slow-moving planet, achievements and gains tend to come with delays. Naturally, the fruits of their labor are delayed, but once they arrive, they are less likely to be wasted. This is because anything earned through hard work is valued more, making individuals think multiple times before spending it.
                           Therefore, under the blessings of Saturn, the planet associated with labor, what we achieve in life becomes our greatest wealth. This wealth is imbued with our sweat and the hardships we endured to attain it. We come to understand and value the true worth of this hard-earned wealth, recognizing the struggles and efforts invested in its attainment.
                       The placement of an unblemished Saturn in the ascendant or zodiac sign is considered auspicious for those who wish to achieve success through justice and hard work, or for those who aspire to stand on their own feet.
                              Saturn is the ruler of the tenth and eleventh houses in the  Natural zodiac sign. The tenth house represents our career, and the eleventh house represents our gains. Saturn provides results based on our actions, following the principle of 'as you sow, so shall you reap.' If we perform good deeds that benefit others or society, we will undoubtedly receive satisfying results. Conversely, if our actions harm society or others, the outcomes will not be favorable. We are responsible for the consequences of our actions, whether good or bad. Saturn, the deity, is not responsible for the results; it is our actions that determine the outcome.
                               When Saturn is positioned in the ascendant or zodiac sign, it can create problems in life, especially if Saturn is influenced by an enemy planet, is in an enemy sign, or is in a debilitated sign. This can be likened to a situation where someone whose personality doesn't align with yours tries to control you, or where your thoughts and ideas don't match those of your boss or manager, or the place where you work is not comfortable for you.
                           Even in such situations, the qualities of Saturn can be maintained if we follow certain rules and discipline. This includes adhering to justice and principles in any situation, living a righteous life, staying committed to our work, prioritizing cleanliness, avoiding dishonest activities, and steering clear of unhealthy food. Additionally, worshiping Lord Saturn on Saturdays and abstaining from alcohol and meat on that day can help in seeking Saturn's blessings.
                          Saturn is also associated with the iron content in our body. By following the aforementioned practices, our iron levels remain unpolluted, keeping our body strong. As a result, our work efficiency is maintained, allowing us to overcome obstacles and achieve success in life.


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