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When the Time for Changing Your Destiny Comes in Life: A Guide

Our lives progress through a series of major and minor periods (dashas and antardashas). Some periods bring us favorable results, while others bring unfavorable outcomes. This way, the train of our lives moves through periods of both good and bad results. In some periods, we experience happiness, while in others, we face sorrow. In some periods, we gain wealth, and in others, we encounter significant losses.
                          The 6/8 dasha-antardasha combination is not considered favorable. In astrological terms, if the planet whose dasha is running is six houses away from the planet whose antardasha is running, it is termed as "6." Similarly, if the antardasha planet is eight houses away from the dasha planet, it is termed as "8." When these two planets' dashas and antardashas occur simultaneously in our lives, it is referred to as the 6/8 relationship dasha.
                        During this dasha-antardasha, various problems, sorrows, hardships, and sufferings may arise in our lives. The reason behind this is that the number 6 is related to the sixth house of the Natural zodiac sign, and the number 8 is related to the eighth house of the Natural zodiac sign.
                         In the Natural zodiac sign's chart, the sixth house is used to assess diseases, debts, enemies, or problems, while the eighth house is used to evaluate sorrows, hardships, or sufferings.
                        This means that the issues related to the six houses from the dasha lord to the antardasha lord, and the sorrows, hardships, or sufferings due to these issues, are represented by the eight houses from the antardasha lord to the dasha lord.
                During this period, the dasha-antardasha presents challenges to the individual. These challenges are opportunities to achieve success. When something is attained through competition or challenge, it becomes particularly rewarding. For instance, when we have the opportunity to take a competitive exam, achieving success requires discipline and hard work. Only then does success come, and such success can be life-changing.
                       Similarly, during the dasha-antardasha of planets in a 6/8 relationship, if one works very hard with discipline, it can change one's fate. As a result of this hard work, unexpected happiness, benefits, and comfort can come into life.
     And if we do not accept or ignore these challenges, we must endure the negative outcomes of the 6/8 dasha-antardasha.
                 Therefore, accept the challenges of the 6/8 dasha-antardasha, work hard with discipline, and achieve unexpected gains to transform your life.


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