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Fortune house for Pisces ascendant and zodiac sign.

Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac. The ruling planet of Pisces is Jupiter, also known as Guru. From the Pisces sign, the expenditures or expenses in the life of Natural zodiac sign are analyzed.
             The fortune house for Pisces ascendant or zodiac sign is Scorpio, which corresponds to the eighth house in the Natural zodiac sign's chart. From this sign, the negative aspects like sorrow, suffering, pain, and death or near-death experiences in Natural zodiac sign's life are analyzed. On the positive side, it is associated with the analysis of subjects like occult knowledge, hidden treasures, or secret mysteries.
              The placement of such a dual-natured sign in the life of Natural zodiac sign in the ninth house, which represents religion and fortune, often causes confusion among many natives of Pisces ascendant or zodiac sign regarding religious practices and the formation of their destiny. They experience an inner conflict over what constitutes righteousness and unrighteousness. They also face indecision about what actions are necessary or unnecessary for shaping their destiny. 
                    Similarly, since the ninth house is also associated with higher education, these individuals often find themselves confused about which subjects to choose or avoid during their pursuit of higher studies. The primary reason behind all this is the placement of the Natural zodiac eighth sign in their ninth house. The sign of Scorpio, wherever it resides in any chart, tends to create confusion for the native in matters related to that house. In the case of Pisces ascendant, since Scorpio is positioned in their ninth house, they experience confusion regarding the matters associated with the ninth house.
                    If the ninth house or the sign of Scorpio is afflicted by malefic or negative influences, then natives of this ascendant or zodiac sign may be led astray. They might lose the distinction between righteousness and unrighteousness, causing them to follow the wrong path. As a result, their fortune can be adversely affected. In extreme cases, if their ninth house or fortune house is severely afflicted, they may go down a path that leads to significant harm in their life. For some, this can even result in a loss of interest or disillusionment with life itself.
                     In any situation, natives of Pisces ascendant or zodiac sign can shape their fortune and enjoy all kinds of comfort and happiness in life. The key to achieving this lies in understanding the sign that governs their ninth or fortune house—Scorpio. To grasp Scorpio's characteristics, it is important to recognize that the way to harness Scorpio's positive effects is through careful judgment and analysis in matters related to this sign. Since the key to shaping your destiny lies in your actions, before undertaking any action, you must thoroughly analyze its various aspects—how beneficial it will be for you, and whether it will be good for your future or not.
                      If actions are taken after proper judgment and analysis, the positive results of the Natural zodiac sign's eighth house—such as gaining from occult knowledge, hidden treasures, or secret mysteries—can be achieved through your fortune. However, if you fail to analyze and evaluate your actions beforehand, you may face negative outcomes similar to those associated with the Natural zodiac sign's life, such as sorrow, suffering, pain, and even death or experiences akin to it, in terms of your fortune.
                      In any situation, we must prioritize our own and our family's well-being first, and then consider society. Only by taking care of ourselves can we contribute to the greater good. Therefore, giving priority to our own interests should never be labeled as selfishness. However, constantly thinking only about one's own gain is indeed what defines selfishness.
                   In any case, before taking any action, it is essential for Pisces ascendant or zodiac sign natives to consider their own and their family's interests for the sake of their future. The true guide for shaping your destiny is your ascendant lord, Jupiter, also known as Guru. If you align yourself with the qualities of your ascendant lord, you won't need to worry much about shaping your destiny. Your fortune will naturally become bright and prosperous.
                Aligning yourself with the qualities of Jupitor means leading a life with proper discipline, cleanliness, adherence to justice and principles, and following religious values. In your professional life as well, prioritizing these qualities of Jupitor in your actions is essential. If you correctly embody these traits, you won't need to worry much about your fortune. Your destiny will be shaped smoothly and will shine brightly.



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